Friday, July 16, 2010

Buyers have been given a gift of time...

Everyone thought that when the federal government stopped buying mortgage-back securities in March of this past year that interest rates would go up. I even blogged about way back and told buyers that it would happen...but it didn't! So the big question is WHY?  Well, you have our friends in Europe to thank!

With Greece in debt not to mention a few other countries in Europe, spending has decreased and on top of it, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund has to provide a loan of 1 trillion dollars to help these countries pay off their debt. As a result, the Euro has dropped in value from 1.59 against the dollar to 1.22. As a result, investors are ditching the Euro and buying United States Treasuries.

Are interests rates are staying low, the lowest we have ever seen them (4.84%). Guess what though, it can stay like this forever! And the new prediction by most, is that you will start to see the rate creep up by the end of the year. Lock in a 30 year fix right now for high fours/low fives.... it's basically FREE MONEY for the feds!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Berkeley Energy Cash Incentives - Must apply July 21!!

The City of Berkeley is offering cash incentives to improve the energy efficiency of Berkeley homes, apartment buildings or businesses. Applications for this City Rebate Program should be submitted before July 21. Funding provided by the US Dept. of Energy is available for all types of buildings and income levels.

Rebates Up to $8,500 for single-family & duplex homes
Rebates Up to $30,000 for commercial & multifamily properties

For more information and to apply visit: or Call 510-981-7438

Learn about how to qualify by attending a Public Workshop:

6:00-8:00 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

West Berkeley Senior Center

1900 Sixth Street, Berkeley

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Get Involved with Rebuilding Together!

Get involved…Rehab a home for a Senior in need!
Rebuilding Together is a national organization that believes in revitalizing communities and helping low income seniors and people with disabilities remain in their homes by completing critical repair needs that create a safe space for them to live. In April, the East Bay-North Chapter rehabbed 22 single family homes and 8 non-profit facilities throughout Berkeley, Emeryville, Albany & Richmond. This organization not only helps individuals and non-profits but helps the community around them by giving a face lift to that “dreary” house on the street.

Easy Bay-North Chapter:

San Francisco Chapter:

Waterfront Movie Flicks at Jack London Square (Free)!

July 8–October 28: Waterfront Flicks

Jack London Square kicks off its seasonal Waterfront Flicks series with Julie & Julia. Watch the movie under the stars, with preshow entertainment including trivia contests and talent shows. The rest of the line-up Star Trek (7/22), Monsters vs. Aliens (8/12), Quantum of Solace (8/26), Dreamgirls (9/9), Land of the Lost (9/23), Fame (10/14), and Twilight (10/28). Market Lawn at Jack London Square, Broadway and First Street, Oakland, 8 p.m., free, (510) 645-9363,