Thursday, October 13, 2011

Berkeley Hills Realty

I just recently made the move to Berkeley Hills Realty and couldn't be more thrilled. There is not an agent out there who wants to move brokerages as it can cost time and money and both of those things I value! But, I also value integrity, compassion, and honesty and I found all of those at Berkeley Hills Realty. In the rough world of real estate, it is nice to be an a hub where Realtors practice what they preach and personal integrity is expected. Berkeley Hills Realty provides an honest, caring environment that they offer to their agents and also their clients. It's a breath of fresh air in a time of big business without morals.

Recently, Berkeley Hills Realty (BHR) brought on a listing at 5899 Lawton Ave in Oakland. Living and working in Rockridge, they made me the go-to gal for this listing. I was ecstatic to put together a marketing plan that would yield multiple offers. BHR encouraged my marketing plan and with their amazing office staff provided me with the tools necessary to implement my plan effectively. It was important to me when making my move to a new brokerage that I found an office that would provide me with the best tools so in turn I can provide my clients with the best. BHR is this place.

We door-knocked the neighborhood the morning of the first open house to let the neighbors know of the new listed home, we mailed out just listed postcards in Rockridge, created a a four page colored brochure highlighting the features of the property and created a pamphlet about the neighborhood of Rockridge which allowed potential buyers a take home tool to see where the house was located and the amenities nearby. In addition to traditional advertisement, we used social media to advertise the house to the fullest and created fun and tech-savvy ways like "checking-in" on Facebook while at the open house. If the person "checked-in" then they were entered into a drawing for a local's favorite restaurant - Oilveto. In addition to the savvy marketing plan, a thorough disclosure package was created to alleviate any unknowns to the buyer.

The turnout was great with about 60 groups through on the first open house and we were ecstatic about results. It pays to have good representation - both by your Realtor and by the brokerage they work for!

By: Gina Odom, Realtor